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Worried about whether to go with the organic products or stick to conventional products, you have been using for long. We all have faced such confusion in life, isn’t it? Organic is not only a healthier way of living life but also guilt-free. As there is no chemical and cruelty involved,

Ayurveda in Sanskrit translates to the internal meaning of “knowledge of life”. Ayurveda is the principle of the ancient wisdom of life that intricates the living of the human body with its environment and their interactions. It is derived from the Sanskrit abbreviation “Ayur” means life and Veda mean “knowledge”.What makes

There was a time when people were walking barefoot, shoes were nowhere around. No matter on Snow Mountains or hot deserts they walked bared foot. But today the scenario has changed completely, shoes have become a status symbol. From Swarovski crystals to high heels they are dominating our lifestyle. Shoes have


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